Application of Content

Application of Content Standard Summary:

The teacher understands the way to connect concepts they are teaching to include relatable issues. This will ease the understanding of the student and encourage engagement. Teachers should use different perspectives to have students think critically, use creativity, and collaborate to resolve issues.  This standard is essential for students to learn needed life and business skills for the future. The students will learn the ability to think critically when teachers incorporate this standard.

Text Set for Photography:

The file attached to the photo is a text set that provides awareness of photography in different cultures and perspectives. Link: Text-Set-Photography-Lauren-Beversluis .This artifact can give students a wide range of photography books that include world views and different photographers. Having books new and old allows students to see many perspectives and the use of photography as an art form. Using this text set I can help students think critically about the perspective of photographers.



Self-Portrait Collage Lesson:

The lesson plan linked to the photo is for an Art Two secondary class. Link: Art-2-lesson-Plan The project is a self-portrait collage. I would use this to teach students new creative ideas on how to create artwork with mixed media. The self-portrait collage I would have the students create should include pieces of magazine, newspaper, and scrapbook paper. The student will choose paper according to places, things, and colors they relate to personally. The students will be able to relate to current trends and have the opportunity to create works of art. 



Keith Harring Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions:

You can either click the photo to look at the questions or you can click here: keithharingcritique

This lesson had students thinking critically and collaborating with each other to come up with the best possible answers. The artifact linked to the photo is a set of higher-level Bloom’s Taxonomy questions. The students had 25 minutes to complete the Level IV Analysis and Level V Synthesis questions about Keith Haring Artwork. Keith Haring was a neo-pop art graffiti artist of the 1980s and an anti-drug and AIDS activist.