Instructional Strategies

Instructional Strategies Standard Summary:

An educator should use a variety of instructional strategies and well thought out ideas to encourage learners to have a better understanding of the content area.  Teachers should also be willing to help students to build skills so that in the context of a subject area they can apply knowledge in meaningful ways. Instructional strategies are essential to help students learn. Using different strategies creates more potential for all students to achieve the goals of assessments. 

Perspective Room Practice Graphic Organizer:


If you click on the photo of a perspective room above you will find a link to Assignment3VIP1. In this set of instructions, I included an example of a Visual Instructional Plan for students to follow. This was not placed on a board for students to see because the lesson was during a remote learning period but I will post the photos in my future classroom as a Visual Instructional Plan (VIP). VIPs are quick visual aids that I can use to answer questions quickly and allow students to work independently. Quick references like VIPs can help students and give me more time to be attentive to the class as a whole and encourages learners to have a better understanding of the content I am teaching.

Three-Dimensional Printing Lesson: 

Linked to the photo above is my Hollins Tech Integration Lesson Plan 2019212 that I created to incorporate technology at the transformational level in the art classroom. This lesson plan incorporates technology, high-level 21st-century thinking skills, and three-dimensional creativity. The lesson starts off with a study of form on a two-dimensional surface then concludes by creating a three-dimensional object through three-dimensional printing software. The students completing this lesson have reached the transformational level of learning. It includes an instructional video and graphic organizers to help students understand  ‘Form’ as an element of art. If necessary, this lesson could be modified to fit the need of the students and the resources available.

Instructional Videos: 

During the remote instruction period of my student teaching, I created several videos to provide direct teaching to my students. This instructional video was used to aid students in reviewing “Value” which is one of the seven elements of art. The two-week unit included four instructional videos to aid students during a remote learning period. Instructional videos can also be used as an accessory in a flipped-classroom approach where students can watch the instructional videos independently and complete them on their own or in the classroom environment. The videos help students to build skills in the context of the subject area they can apply their knowledge to the formative project that I assigned them.