Leadership and Collaboration

 Leadership and Collaboration Standard Summary:

An educator must look for the correct leadership roles and take responsibility for the student’s progress in the classroom. The teacher should collaborate with students, families, and the school community. By doing this there will be positive growth in each individual student and advances in multiple areas for the educator. This standard is essential to make sure there is appropriate leadership in the classroom. It is needed to ensure communication between the classroom and the school as a community. This standard ensures that the educator is continually learning and advancing in their profession.

Mrs. Pfeifer’s Observation:

By asking another teacher besides my supervising teacher to observe me. I was able to gain more insight into how different teachers approach learning. Mrs. Pfeiffer has many years of teaching experience and is close to retirement. I asked her to observe me during one of my lessons. During lunch, we discussed several things I could work on and she provided me with suggestions for improvement.

E-mail Communication: 

Above is a snapshot of one of the many e-mails I sent to my supervising teacher during the remote learning period of my student teaching. Due to the remote learning my supervising teacher and I communicated and collaborated through, e-mail, text, and phone calls. It is valuable to communicate with colleagues and to develop skills from their knowledge.

Leading the way with Instructional Videos during remote learning: 

I took the initiative to create instructional videos for Mrs. Sartell’s students. I encouraged the idea of the videos the weekend before the schools closed to public access. By suggesting the use of instructional videos, I showed leadership and innovation for the circumstances presented.