Planning for Instruction

Planning for Instruction Standard Summary:

The educator should be able to plan instruction that will aid students in meeting learning goals. The teacher should also draw upon curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy. The knowledge of the learner will be used to develop lesson plans and scaffolding necessary for success. This is a standard that is necessary to help students reach learning goals. The teacher and student will work together to develop the student’s education responsibly. The educator is responsible for creating lesson plans and scaffolding to ensure the students meet the learning goals set up by the standards of assessment.

Anticipatory Sets with Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions:

 When I was student teaching, I produced a lesson plan called The Monochromatic Unit (MonochromaticUnit Blooms taxonomy) that incorporated Bloom’s Taxonomy levels and correct questions for each level. To look at the specific example please click on the photo above or click the link and scroll through to find the highlighted Bloom’s levels, vocabulary, and questions. Having questions at the beginning of class will help students reach learning goals through critical thinking and help students reach the learning goals that I present.

Instructional Videos for Direct Teaching:


This is one of the videos that I used for remote instruction during the Spring of 2020. I selected and created certain educational art videos to replace direct teaching in the classroom. I planned for remote instruction and used scaffolding such as graphic organizers and critical thinking questions. The scaffolding supports the technology platform I was using to teach my students.

Instructions for Students:

Linked to the picture above is an example of the instructions that I uploaded on to Blackboard for my Perspective Unit.  Perspective Unit Instructions The instructions ensure that the students can understand the expectations and show them indirectly the modalities of instructions that I included to aid in their online learning experience.